Real Wood Flooring
Real wood flooring has something to offer whether your home follows a contemporary, rustic or traditional style.
Before we discuss real wood flooring its imporrtant to point out just some of the alternatives to a real wood floor.
Vinyl and laminate floors can provide a simular look for less and some laminates are harder wearing than real wood. That said there is nothing quite like a real wood floor to add character and warmth to your home.
Unlike carpet, real wood floors don't trap pollen etc. so can be better for your health if you suffer from allergies such as hayfever or astma.
Types of wooden floor
There are many different types of wooden floor to chose to match your personal taste and the look you want to achieve for your home.
Engineered Wood Floor
Engineered wooden floors are manufactured using layers of hardwood that are tighthly compressed together. They are arranged so that the natural grain runs in all directions.
Engineered wooden floors are often less expensive than other types of real wood floor.