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Goldfinches are one of our prettiest birds and easily distinguished by their bright colour scheme and characteristic markings. They have a distinctive red face with a white patch behind the eye and a black crown and nape. They have a yellow wing patc

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Goldfinch Finder Pack of 3  

Goldfinch Finder Pack of 3

This smart little feeder comes ready filled with Niger Seed and is a smart way to find out if Goldfinches are in your local area.

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Goldfinch Finder Single  

Goldfinch Finder Single

This smart little feeder comes ready filled with Niger Seed and is a smart way to find out if Goldfinches are in your local area.

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Often confused with Sparrowhawks or with Peregrines, the Goshawk is distinguished by its bright red eyes, its white 'eyebrow' stripe and the characteristic 'S curve' of its wings when held in flight. Males are significantly smaller than females, usua

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Grandma Wilds Red Embossed Bird House Biscuit Tin  

Grandma Wilds Red Embossed Bird House Biscuit Tin

A lovely biscuit tin making an ideal festive gift containing Fruit Shrewsbury Biscuits, Viennese Biscuits, Crumbly Oatie Biscuits, Chocolate Chip Biscuits, Stem Ginger amp Lemon Biscuits and Double Chocolate Chip Biscuits. Unfortunately due to popula

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Great Spotted Woodpecker  

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Surprisingly this Woodpecker is not actually that 'great' and is only about the size of a starling. They are black and white with striking white shoulder patches and a bright red under tail. Males have a red patch on the nape which distinguishes them

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Great Tit  

Great Tit

The Great Tit is the largest of the Tit family with the male being slightly larger and more robust in build than the female. They have a black and white head, green back, strong bill, yellow under parts and a bold black stripe from the throat down th

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Green Deep Dish Silhouette Window Feeder  

Green Deep Dish Silhouette Window Feeder

Feed anything from this attractive new window feeder, including seed mixes or live mealworms. Powerful suction cups ensure adhesion to any glass surface.Dimensions12.5cm x 20.5cm 4.9 x 8.1

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A little stouter than other Finches with a chunky pink bill, males are greenish all over with various subtle tinges of colour. They have a defined wing bar of brilliant yellow and in flight you'll see the yellow on the base and sides of the tail. The

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Ground Feeder Sanctuary  

Ground Feeder Sanctuary

Allow small ground feeding birds to feed without the hassle of larger birds, such as Pigeons and Doves, getting to the food first with this sturdy ground feeder sanctuary. The sanctuary comes complete with a removable mesh tray that is suspended insi

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