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Goldfinch Finder Single - UKHomeOwners.com


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Goldfinch Finder Single

Goldfinch Finder Single

This smart little feeder comes ready filled with Niger Seed and is a smart way to find out if Goldfinches are in your local area.

Price:  GBP3.49 from  Garden Bird

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Garden Bird Goldfinch Finder Single GBP3.49 Visit Store
Goldfinch Finder Pack of 3  

Goldfinch Finder Pack of 3

This smart little feeder comes ready filled with Niger Seed and is a smart way to find out if Goldfinches are in your local area.

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Goldfinches are one of our prettiest birds and easily distinguished by their bright colour scheme and characteristic markings. They have a distinctive red face with a white patch behind the eye and a black crown and nape. They have a yellow wing patc

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