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NEFF NEFF S71M66X1G B - UKHomeOwners.com


UK Energy Savings



With an energy efficiency of A, useful features and great looks, you can rely on the Neff S71M66X1GB Full size Integrated Dishwasher to take the hard work out of cleaning your dishes. Ultimate flexibility Neff's VarioFlex Pro basket enables you to easily accommodate large items. With three foldable levels and six foldable racks in the upper basket, fitting the day's washing up in is simple. There is even a glass stem holder for added security of your precious glassware. Using RackMatic, you can extend, raise or lower the top basket to fit in obscure and bulkier items, even when the dishwasher is fully loaded. Convenient installation Installation of this dishwasher is made easy with Neff's VarioHinge function. It's ideal for kitchens with limited space as you can fit it in between the door and the plinth. Spacious and convenient With 13 place settings and 6 programs to choose from, this sleek integrated dishwasher provides plenty of space and cleaning options. This means that you can fit all your family's cutlery, plates and crockery into the wash with less hassle and get more done in just one load. Not only will you be able to fit everything in, but you will have the added peace of mind that everything will be cleaned to the highest standard. The VarioSpeed Plus program reduces the cleaning time by up to 66% and leaves your dishes sparkling clean. Smart features With DosageAssist, the Neff S71M66X1GB will detect the type of detergent tablet you are using and will adjust the cycle accordingly, to ensure that your plates, cutlery and dishes receive the best possible cleaning results. The Heat exchanger system protects your delicate glassware during the drying phase of a program and AquaStop will stop the dishwasher from overflowing or leaks caused by additional water even when your appliance is switched off. With Neff's Efficient silent drive, the pressure and power of the water is adapted to ensure your energy consumption is kept to a minimum. It also helps reduce noise levels, so you can run a cycle overnight without disturbing the rest of your household. Enjoy quick and simple cleaning with the Neff S71M66X1GB Full size Integrated Dishwasher .

Price:  GBP569.99 from  Currys

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