Qomo 300 Series Radio Frequency Audience Response Systems 2432 Students Qomo QRF332, This 3000 series radio frequency audience response system for 32 students from Qomo is a powerful and cost effective system which can be used in traditional classroom settings, group meetings, or wherever instant feedback is desired. Equipped with a host of excellent features, allowing you to choose among many different activity modes including freestyle, normal quiz, standard exam, homework, rush quiz, elimination, voteinquiry and ad lib quiz. Other features include individual and group participation modes, hand raise and roll call with multiple answers, conduct timed quizzes and tests. There are a range of accessories available for the 3000 series, including the Qomo Qpad 3 RF Student Remote, Qpad3RF Instructor Instructor Remote and QRF300 USB Receiver. Qomo QRF332 300 Series Radio Frequency Audience Response System 32 Students